Bell Schedule » Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule

Bell Schedule
Periods Start Time End Time
1 8:00 AM 8:45 AM
2 8:48 AM 9:33 AM
3 9:36 AM 10:21 AM
4 10:24 AM 11:09 AM
5 11:12 AM 11:57 AM
6 12:00 PM 12:45 PM
7 12:48 PM 1:33 PM
8 1:35 PM 2:20 PM
Entrance/Exit for Students
Enterprise (Blue) = Students will enter/exit through the door between the school yard and parking lot via 79th Street
Discovery (Orange) = Students will enter/exit through the parking lot via 79th Street
Global (Green) = Students will enter/exit through the side door via 34th Avenue
Explorer (Red) = Students will enter/exit through the cafeteria entrance via 80th Street