School Routines

School Routines

1) School Schedule:



7:15 - 8:00

Breakfast Program/

Morning Extra Help

8:00 - 8:45

Period 1

8:48 - 9:33

Period 2

9:36 - 10:21

Period 3

10:24 - 11:09

Period 4

11:12 - 11:57

Period 5

12:00 - 12:45

Period 6

12:48 - 1:33

Period 7

1:39 - 2:20

Period 8

2:25 - 4:25

Wed/Thur After School 

2) Arrival at School - Line ups:

Students are expected to arrive by 7:30 AM. Students will line up by academy at a specific entry (Enterprise - in the schoolyard entrance on 79th Street; Discovery - through the parking lot entrance on 79th Street; Global - 34th Street entrance; Explorer - cafeteria entrance on 80th Street).

3) Student I.D. Cards:

You will be issued an I.D. card with your picture. This will also be used when you eat lunch and for G.O. membership. You must have your I.D. card with you at all times. It is your proof that you are a student at I.S. 145. If your card is lost, contact your Academic Advisor. There will be a fee for a new card, $2. (Room 133)


4) Bus and Train Passes:

Students who need public transportation must apply for and may receive a Metro Students card. You must live a certain distance from the school to be eligible to receive these cards. Students will receive a metro card as appropriate. (Room 133)


5) Attendance, Absences, and Tardiness:

Daily attendance at school is mandated and very important. Good attendance and good grades go hand-in-hand. Perfect attendance will be rewarded. When you are absent, be sure to get your assignments and homework from your teachers and from your friends. When you return to school after an absence, you must bring an excuse of absence signed by your parent, guardian or physician and give it to your Academy Advisor or the Attendance Coordinator in the Main Office. Excessive absences could lead to repeating the grade. If you are late for school, go directly to the Main Entrance (located on 80th Street) and fill out a late pass. Failure to fill out a late pass will result in your being marked absent. Excessive lateness will result in lunch/after school detention.


6) PupilPath/Grades:

Within the first week of school your child will receive login information for PupilPath which will provide you with a personal use name and password so that you may access your child’s progress and grades at any time. You may also communicate with your child’s teachers through this web-based program.


7) Lost and Found:

The Lost and Found is located in both the Main Office and the back of the stage in the auditorium. If you lose something in school, ask your teacher for a pass to the “Lost and Found”. If you find something that belongs to someone else, please give it to a teacher, an Advisor, an Assistant Principal, or someone in the Main Office.


8) Subject Periods:

Each student has eight (8) periods in the school day; one (1) period is for lunch. At the end of every period, the bell rings, letting you know it’s time to move on to your next class. You may only leave your classroom or the lunchroom when your teacher or the person in charge dismisses you. You have three (3) minutes to walk to your next class. Be on time! If a teacher keeps you after class, you must have a pass from him/her.


9) Cutting:

All students are expected to be in their assigned class. Students not in their assigned class will be reported as cutting to your Academy Advisor. I.S. 145 has zero tolerance policy regarding cutting. If you cut a class, your parents will be called to school for a conference with your Academy Advisor or Academy Director.


10) Bathrooms:

If you need to use the bathroom during class, you must get a pass from your teacher. You may only use your academy assigned bathroom. You may also use the bathrooms in the cafeteria during your lunch period.


11) Lunchroom - Cafeteria:

Lunchtime is a time for you to relax, enjoy your food and to talk with friends. All students must behave as if they were in their own dining room at home. Waiting your turn in line, talking quietly, and eating your lunch with good manners and cleaning up after yourselves will help to make your lunch periods an enjoyable part of your school day. All students must present their school ID for scanning during lunch.


12) Fire Drills:

Everyone is required to vacate the building immediately when a fire alarm sounds. During a fire drill, BE SILENT and LISTEN CAREFULLY to what the teacher tells you and the class to do. Fire drills can happen at any time during the school day, during any kind of weather. LISTENING and knowing what to do during a Fire Drill could SAVE YOUR LIFE!


13) Leaving School During the School Day:



If you should become ill while you are at school, or if your parent or guardian wants to take you out of school for any reason, they must come to the school to sign you out. They must have proper identification with them. If you are sick, the school nurse will call your home or the emergency number your parent or guardian gave the school on the blue emergency cards. You will ONLY be allowed to leave the school with the ADULT, 21 or over, who comes to get you and is LISTED on your blue emergency card. All students must have a completed BLUE EMERGENCY CARD on file in the Main Office AND with you Academy Advisor.


14) Report Cards:

You will receive three (3) report cards every school year. On your report card you will receive grades on your school work, homework, tests/quizzes, projects and on your conduct. GRADES ARE VERY IMPORTANT because they can tell you what you have learned and how well you have behaved. Report cards are official reports of your progress in school. A grade of 65 to 100 is passing in your subjects. If you:

  • LISTEN and PARTICIPATE in class
  • COMPLETE your all your projects
  • DO all of your homework
  • DO WELL on tests and quizzes

YOU WILL PASS your subjects. Your conduct score will also be displayed for each of your classes on your report card. Teachers will also distribute Progress Reports midway through each quarter to keep parents well informed of their child’s academic progress and behavior in school. In addition, both you and your parents can check your up to date average via Pupil Path, an online grade book. You will each have your own username and password.


15) Lost Books:

Students who are discharged to another school or transferred to another class must return all library books and textbooks to their teachers. Subject teachers will notify the Academy Director regarding missing textbooks. All teachers will utilize textbook cards. There is a fee for all lost library books and textbooks.


16) Notices to Parents:

During the day, a teacher may give you notices or letters to take home. These notices tell you and your parents what is happening in school. It is a shared responsibility that you give your parents the letters so that they may be informed of the different activities going on in the school, such as meetings, trips, workshops, parent classes, test prep classes, sports and after school activities, as well as other things. Some notices will require that the tear-off slips be returned to your Academy Advisor or Director. Parents please check for these notices daily. 


17) Parent-Teacher Conferences:

Parents will be invited to virtual meet with your teachers four times a year. These are called Parent-Teacher Conferences/Open Houses. You will receive emails to bring home to your parents about these special days far in advance. It is very important that your parents know about and come to the Parent-Teacher Conferences. Students are welcome to come with their parents.